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What Is Scoliosis & How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Written By Longview Chiropractic Center on December 7, 2023

a guy holding his back

Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is typically identified and diagnosed in childhood or adolescence; however, it is possible to be diagnosed as an adult. There are two common types of scoliosis: idiopathic scoliosis and congenital scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis has no known cause, while congenital scoliosis occurs before birth as a baby’s back is developing. At Longview Chiropractic Center, our chiropractor Dr. Gary Lipkin has extensive experience diagnosing, evaluating, and providing chiropractic treatment for scoliosis in Longview, TX

Causes and Symptoms of Scoliosis

If you are diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis, it means that there is no known cause for your spinal curvature. Congenital scoliosis develops before birth; neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by a secondary condition like spina bifida, cerebral palsy, or a spinal cord injury; and degenerative scoliosis is most common in adults and develops as the discs and joints in the spine degenerate with age, wear, and tear. The most common symptoms of scoliosis are:

  • Loss of height
  • Imbalance in pelvic and hip alignment
  • A visible curvature in the back that looks like a C or an S
  • A shoulder blade that looks bigger than the other
  • Ribs that stick out more on one side than another
  • Back pain and stiffness
  • Pinched nerves
  • Fatigue and muscle strain
  • Trouble breathing

Diagnosis and Assessment

Our team will diagnose and assess your scoliosis by discussing your symptoms, lifestyle, family health history, past injuries and surgeries, and a full physical examination. We will also take x-rays of your spine. We may also take measurements to assess your spinal curvature. 

Traditional Treatments for Scoliosis

Without treatment for scoliosis, you are at risk of nerve damage, chronic pain, loss of mobility, and bowel and bladder dysfunction. The earlier we diagnose and treat your scoliosis, the greater chance you have of slowing the progression of symptoms and relieving pain, immobility, and loss of range of motion. We will design a personalized chiropractic treatment plan based on your age, symptoms, lifestyle, overall health, and the degree of curvature of your spine. We may recommend:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • A custom back brace
  • Posture correction
  • Therapeutic exercises and stretches
  • Lifestyle and workplace modifications
  • Massage therapy
  • Acupuncture

Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis is non-invasive and drug-free, and is considered a conservative treatment approach. If conservative treatment is ineffective, we can refer you to a surgeon. 

Role of Chiropractic Adjustments in Scoliosis Management

Chiropractic adjustments aim to improve spinal alignment and reduce curvature. Adjustments can improve circulation and blood flow, alleviate pain and stiffness, improve mobility and range of motion, and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Adjustments can also alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerves and surrounding muscles and tissues.

Muscle Strengthening and Postural Exercises

In addition to our in-office scoliosis treatment, we will also provide recommendations for therapeutic exercises and stretches you should do at home. These exercises will strengthen your muscles so they better support your spine, and improve your posture, mobility, and balance. 

Long-Term Benefits and Considerations

By being proactive about scoliosis treatment and maintaining consistent chiropractic care, you can reduce your scoliosis symptoms, improve function, and get back to enjoying your daily activities and hobbies.

Collaboration With Medical Professionals

Our team consistently collaborates with other medical professionals to ensure you always have the latest and most advanced chiropractic therapies available. Chiropractic care is a key element of a multidisciplinary approach towards scoliosis treatment, and Dr. Lipkin and his team want to give you the best chance of an optimal recovery and a healthy, pain-free life.

Schedule a Scoliosis Assessment in Longview, TX

If you suspect you’re showing symptoms of scoliosis in Longview, TX, visit us at Longview Chiropractic Center. Dr. Lipkin and his team will perform a full evaluation and diagnostic imaging to assess and diagnose your condition. We will then design a personalized chiropractic scoliosis treatment plan. Call us today to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment online

Posted In: Chiropractic Low Back Pain